How to use Paypal transfer

A. [Payment] is the 4th step, where you are suggested to choose a payment method for overall cost:

B. Click [Payment] button, which will redirect you to PayPal integrated system. Choose [Don’t have a PayPal account?] option if you want to pay directly with your Credit Car
d; Choose [Pay with my PayPal account] option to make a PayPal transfer payment.

guide Paypal

①PayPal Transfer: For those who HAVE a PAYPAL ACCOUNT
②Direct Credit Card: For those who do NOT HAVE a PAYPAL ACCOUNT

C. After you review all information, please click [Pay now] button.
guide Paypal

D.Click [Return to Koreadepart] button after you finish a transfer procedure. (Important!)
guide Paypal

E.After you get redirected back to Koreadepart you will see your completed order sheet.
guide Paypal

F. After order is complete, order confirmation alert will be automatically sent to your e-mail address.
*If the e-mail doesn’t arrive in a few minutes, it might be considered as a spam mail. So please check your spam mail folder.

G. After the order shipped out, the e-mail alert will be sent to customer’s address.

H. Please check the condition of the product after you receive it.

I. Supported browsers:
Chrome version 41 and later
Firefox version 43 and later
Safari version 8 and later
Opera version 12 and later
Edge version 14 and later

Chrome version 41 and later
Firefox version 15 and later
Safari version 9 and later
Samsung Internet Browser 8.2 and later
Silk Browser 72 and later

* Internet Explorer and Edge
A payment integration won't function correctly in the intranet or trusted modes of Internet Explorer or Edge. These modes prevent the script from interfacing with iframes and popup windows, central components of the JavaScript SDK.


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