How to enable SSL(https)
If you do not have SSL enabled on your browser the site may not display as designed. (Especially when you create a new account, log in, or make a card payment.)
To enable your browser for SSL follow the steps that apply to the browser you are using.

* There are some cases that you cannot use the site according to your places even though you already enabled SSL

1.Internet Explorer 5.5 and above

Step.1 From Tools select Internet Options
Step.2 Select the Advanced tab
Step.3 For each of the options under Security ensure 'Use TLS1.0' and 'Use SSL 3.0' are ticked
Step.4 Click OK

2.Firefox 1.0.x

Step.1 From Tools select Options
Step.2 Select the Advanced icon
Step.3 For each of the options under Security ensure 'Use TLS1.0' and 'Use SSL 3.0' are ticked
Step.4. Click OK

3.Mozilla 1.7.x

Step.1 From Edit select Preferences
Step.2 From the left hand side menu click on + to open Privacy and Security
Step.3 Under SSL, ensure 'Enable TLS version 1.0' and 'Enable SSL version 3' are ticked
Step.4 Click OK

4.Opera 8.x

Step.1 From Tools select Preferences
Step.2 Select the Advanced tab
Step.3 From the left hand side menu select Security, and click on 'Security Protocols'
Step.4 Ensure 'Enable TLS1.0' and 'Enable SSL 3' are ticked
Step.5 Click OK
Step.6 Click OK again

If you have any other problem, feel free to contact us through E-mail or Q&A.


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