How to order
1. Chose the product you want to purchase, select the item then ‘click Add to cart button’.

2.When you order, please check the list and press ‘order button’.

3.Select the designaited country you wish to receive the chosen item, and check the shipping method(EMS or K-Packet), and then, click 'next'.

4.Fill in the shipping method you want, namely: address, contact number, country, zipcode and then click ‘Next button’.

5.Please check the order slip, shipping address and total amount, and click ‘payment button’.
- For PayPal or card payment, please read thoroughly the proper instructions first before using the mentioned modes of payment.

1) Paypal Transfer

① Choose a Paypal payment Method.
② When using Point to make payment, enter the Point amount.
(When the Point is higher than the product price; a fill-in-box will appear).
③ When you are using the coupons, click the coupon list button and use the same.
(When there are available coupons, an enter box will appear).
④ Please check the Koreadepart Paypal account.
⑤ Click ‘Payment Button’.
Payment has been successfully transacted. Please double check the paid list.

2)Direct Credit Card

① Choose a Card Payment Method.
② When using Point to make payment, enter the Point amount.
(When the Point is higher than the product price; a fill-in-box will appear).
③ When you are using the coupons, click the coupon list button and use the same.
(When there are available coupons, an enter box will appear).
④ Click ‘Payment Button’.
Payment has been successfully transacted. Please double check the paid list.

6.The payment has been confirmed. Please double-check the order information.

*Payment method(Paypal or Credit card) cannot be edited after you already make an order sheet. If you want to change the payment method, you should make a new order sheet again.


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